Be Intentional
This past weekend, our family parted ways with a loyal member: our pop-up camper. You would think that letting go of an old 1996 Jayco camper would bring relief, but the memories wrapped in its canvas walls run deep. Remember that time when parts of the camper were falling off on the highway during our travels? Or the night the bed broke at three in the morning? There was also that moment when it almost rolled off a cliff, and the day my bride decided to pop a wheelie over a curb in Louisiana. We also made memories with our wet dog, endless games of Monopoly and UNO, the smell of campfire, and the sound of rain hitting the roof while everyone slept.
As I stood by the camper, waiting for the next owner to arrive, I realized we had been taking trips in that crazy old thing for well over ten years. The wise words of the past drifted through my heart: “In the blink of an eye, your kids will be all grown up,” he had said.
Oh, it’s so true, my friends! So very, very true! But what’s also true is that the memories you create with your kids can be used by the Lord to shape them into who He wants them to be. He used our family time with that silly camper to give our four kids a sense of adventure, a longing for laughter, a heart to serve, and a desire to spend time together. As time continues to fly by, I pray that they will pass on such life experiences to their own growing kids.
So, why am I sharing this with you? Am I telling you to go out and buy a pop-up camper so you can make memories with your kiddos? If that’s what it takes for you to spend time together as a family, absolutely! But if a camper isn’t your cup of tea, think about what is, my friend. Invest in your kids, create memories with them…, and allow the Lord to use your experiences together to shape them into who He wants them to be. He chose YOU to be their parent, my friend. He has all the confidence in the world in YOU! Now, hop off this computer and go spend some time with those young ones of yours!